PoolTogether Referral Code: Win Prizes & Get Rewards
PoolTogether is a protocol for no-loss prize games on Ethereum. The more you pool, the more you save, the more you win.
PoolTogether is based...
Eosfinex Referral Code: Get 6% Off Fees
Eosfinex is a hybrid non-custodial digital asset exchange offering a highly liquid, performant, and secure trading experience. They are an offshoot project of Bitfinex.
Swipe (SXP) Wallet & Visa Card Referral Code: Get a US$20...
Swipe.io is a cryptocurrency mobile wallet with a visa card and a host of other features, including Exchange, Credit, Wallet and much more. Swipe...
Celsius Network Referral Code: Get US$20 Free
UPDATE: Celsius applied for bankruptcy protection in the United States on 13th July 2022. We would not recommend using this platform. All information provided...
BTSE Referral Code: Get 20% Off Fees
BTSE is a multi-currency spot & futures trading platform custom-built to bring efficiency, liquidity & stability to the digital asset trading space.
We will explain...
ZA Bank 邀請碼:NVPR65!經推薦開戶有3.3%定期息!
【ZA Bank 邀請碼:NVPR65!全港第一間虛擬銀行!經推薦開戶有3.3%定期息!活期息都有1%呀!眾安銀行開戶教學】
🎁推薦連結:https://bank.za.group/hk/mgm?t=3-NVPR65-3 (或輸入推薦碼NVPR65,記得要6月30日或之前呀)👉開戶教學:https://bank.za.group/hk/mgm?t=3-NVPR65-3
嘩!知唔知點解宜家銀行開戶啲優惠咁鬼誇張,唔放錢都送錢俾你,就係因為好多虛擬銀行面世啦!除咗渣打既MOX外,第一間打頭炮既就係ZA Bank,呢間ZA Bank都幾誇張,喺6月30日或之前輸入指定邀請碼開戶,就有3.3定期息呀!最多$50,000蚊!
即係話當你宜家開戶,佢開戶時間大約要 1至3日- 首先經推薦可以拎到張加息券,就有2%- 然後做3個月定期,本身有1.3%- 加埋就有3.3%啦!
至於6月30日完咗個promote後,活期息都有1%既,但就唔係太吸引,因為你本身供開樓mortgage link都2厘幾啦!同埋呢個定期息真心會隨時再減,因為本身係做緊3.5%添呀!所以得閒既盡早開咗佢好啲呀!
推薦連結NVPR65奖金 2厘幾啦
ZA Bank簡介
ZA Bank打破傳統銀行的框架,將開戶、定存、更改個人資料、找回密碼等服務全面數碼化。從今日起,無論日夜你都無需再走進銀行。只要打開手機就能享受到貼心的銀行服務。
ZA Bank銀行功能
主要功能包括:– 享用多種貨幣儲蓄帳戶,包括港元、人民幣、美元– 設立定期存款,最低金額低至HK$1– 以FPS及CHATS進行支付及轉帳(暫時只支援本地轉賬)– 私人貸款申請- 收取電子結單及通知書,並查看你的交易記錄
1. 首先download個app開戶
2. 打開App後,就要驗證手機號碼並輸入你的電郵地址,記得要輸入推薦編號! 推薦碼:NVPR65
3. 掃描身份證並根據指示進行人臉識別
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